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Sukkot celebrates the gathering of the harvest and commemorates the miraculous protection God provided for the children of Israel when they left Egypt. We celebrate Sukkot by dwelling in a foliage-covered hut (known as a sukkah) and by taking the four special species of vegetation.


TBS Sukkot - Simhat Torah Service Schedule

Sun, Sept 23             Erev Sukkot         Noon Sukkah Decorating, Pizza            TBS Sukkah


Mon, Sept 24            Sukkot 1              9:00 am Sukkot Service                           Steinberg Chapel                       Office Closed.


Tue, Sept 25             Sukkot 2               9:00 am Sukkot Service                           Steinberg Chapel                       Office Closed.


Sat, Sept 29              Sukkot 6               9:00 am Shabbat Hol Hamo'ed              Sigesmund Sanctuary


Sun, Sept 30             Sukkot 7               9:00 am Hosha'na Rabbah                     Steinberg Chapel

Mon, Oct 1                                             9:00 am Shemini Atseret, Yizkor             Sigesmund Sanctuary                Office Closed. 


Monday,  Oct 1                                     6:30 pm  Simhat Torah Dancing              Sigesmund Sanctuary                Office Closed.


Tuesday, Oct 2                                      9:00 am  Simhat Torah Service                Steinberg Chapel                        Office Closed.


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