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D.J. Sinai

Youth Director

D.J. Sinai was born in Cleveland, OH, and became a member of the Las Vegas Jewish Community in 1992. When Rabbi Felipe Goodman began at Temple Beth Sholom in 1998, he found a teenage musician who had a love of Jewish music and was eagerly ready to participate in Shabbat services. At just 16 years old, D.J. began accompanying the cantor and such began his musical journey at Temple Beth Sholom. 


For nearly 25 years, D.J. has been an intricate part of the music leadership at Temple Beth Sholom as well as being highly involved with the Judy & Ronald Mack School for Religious Studies. In 2015, D.J. took on the role of Musical Director and is now the congregational musical leader for all religious services including Shabbat, holidays, live cycle events, and High Holy Days. He also works with all b’nei mitzvah students to prepare them for their big simcha. 


D.J. has been Youth Director at Temple Beth Sholom for seven years and has found a true love with our Kadima & USY youth groups. He works diligently to make sure that our youth department is a safe space for teens as well as a platform for teens to develop a deeper understanding of their Jewish heritage and identity. From planning activities with our youth board to chaperoning kinnusim and other trips, D.J. is adamant about making sure our youth department remains strong well into the future.

Originally from North Hollywood, Ethan was a leader in USY at Adat Ari El, serving 4 terms on the board including president his senior year. He believes in the power of USY to create lifetime friendships, begin professional development at a young age, and instill the values of maintaining a Jewish life.

Ethan attended Sacramento State, obtaining his B.A. in Communication Studies. He moved to Las Vegas in 2014 and loves calling Southern Nevada home. He currently works at Jewish Nevada (Federation) and is a wonderful resource for all things engagement and financial aid.

In his free time, Ethan attends Shabbat services and is a regular haftarah reader for TBS. He also enjoys camping, watching his L.A. Dodgers, and spending time with family. Above all, Ethan’s greatest strength is his ability to connect and bring people together. He looks forward to sharing his passion for USY and the Jewish community with the youth of Temple Beth Sholom.

Ethan Shapiro

Youth Advisor

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Alyson Sinai has been an active part of the Temple Beth Sholom family since 2004.

Beginning her journey as the Religious School Assistant, Alyson has seen many students from Temple Beth Sholom grow from preschool age all the way into adulthood.


She currently continues to work as a teacher in the Judy & Ronald Mack School for Religious Studies. Alyson is also a dedicated volunteer for the youth programs, having been working with Kadima & USY programming for over a decade. Alyson’s love for children runs deep, and she is so excited to continue this passion through our youth programming.

Youth Staff

Alyson Sinai

Stacey Rains moved from Los Angeles (San Fernando Valley) to Las Vegas in 2018. A few months later, she stepped foot into Temple Beth Sholom where her life would change only for the better. Stacey moved to Las Vegas for a job in higher education and to be with her now fiancé, Ethan Shapiro. Stacey graduated from Cal State Northridge University with a bachelor’s degree in Sociology. Although at the time she considered going into social work, she quickly realized her niche was in her passion for education. She has supported students directly, tutoring students from kindergarten to college freshman level, and in the past 5 years, has worked in the administrative side of higher education. She currently works at UNLV in the Financial Aid & Scholarships department. Stacey is also a Moishe House Without Walls host, which entails hosting monthly Jewish events for young adults. Stacey is passionate about Judaism and Israel in a way that she hopes to inspire the younger generation to love and embrace Judaism in their everyday lives.


Stacey is an outgoing introvert and thus, in her free time really enjoys relaxing at home, watching TV, hanging with her two dogs, and of course spending time with her fiancé. Living in a huge sports household, she has become especially fond of watching golf and tennis. She is also a kid at heart, an auntie to two nephews, and was a camp counselor for many years, so bonding and creating memorable experiences with the USY and Kadima kids comes naturally.


Stacey looks forward to instilling the value of Judaism and community for USY and Kadima because she knows the lasting impact they can have on friendships for life.

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Stacey Rains

Youth Staff

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