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March Of The Living

Adult Program

A special program which brings together adults from around the world to to learn about the Jewish community that once flourished in Europe, the tragedy of the Holocaust and the establishment and survival of the State of Israel.

On April 21, 2020, thousands of Jews and non-Jews, from countries all around the world, will share in a once-in-a-lifetime experience when they march the 3-kilometers from Auschwitz to Birkenau, the largest concentration camp complex built by the Nazis during World War II. The March commemorates Yom HaShoah, Holocaust Remembrance Day. 

YOU CAN BE THERE, along with over 10,000 participants who will be part of this historic event. As a proud Marcher, your experience will be in direct contrast to the tragic fate of hundreds of thousands of Jews and others, who were forced by the Nazis to take part in the infamous death Marches, across vast expanses of European terrain, under the harshest of conditions. This time, however, there will be a difference. It will be a March of the Living among thousands, marching shoulder to shoulder. 

You will participate in a memorial service at one of the gas chambers/crematoria, in Birkenau, which will conclude with the singing of Hatikvah, reaffirming Am Yisrael Chai – The Jewish People Live. From Poland, you will fly to Israel to join the entire Jewish community in celebrating Yom Ha’atzmaut, Israel’s Independence Day, on April 29, 2020. 

The March of the Living to Poland and Israel will cause you to encounter both the richness and anguish of our past and the hope for our future.

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